Do you feel lost?
Do you feel disconnected from your body?
Is your body trying to tell you something?
What is your relationship with food?
How do you feel about exercise, workouts and activity? What about nature?
Do your annual resolutions serve you good?
Have your eating habits and your lifestyle been working for you?
Do you often find excuses, convince yourself it’s okay to not be or do what you should or would like to be or do? Do you blame it all on the lack of time, on others, on the fact you’re getting older or you’re too young, on your hormonal system, on your “obligations” towards your life, your job or your family, or even on the fact you gave birth? Do you often put aside your desire to take care of yourself because you think it’s selfish, that you don’t have the time or because it’s too hard? Do you often ignore that little voice, the messages your body is sending you, those feelings indicating that it’s not right, by telling yourself, hey, that’s life, why bother?
It’s time to redefine the concepts you’ve learned so far. It’s time to reflect on the choices you’ve made and you’re making every day. It’s time to take the time to really connect with yourself to really know if what you’ve been doing and how you’ve been acting so far is really making you feel your best, is really letting your true self shine, your BEASTIE U, INSIDE and OUT. It’s time to change for good, not just because it’s the new year, because the summer will be there soon, because everybody else is doing so. It’s time to take the time to connect your soul to your body, to listen to them, to yourself, to what you really want to do and especially, what you really want to be, NOW and FOR THE REST OF YOUR PRESENT LIFE.
YOU’ve got the POWER, you just have to BELIEVE!
This is it. The B.U. FOR LIFE program! It’s been on my mind for a while. I just had to do it. But this is not for me or about me. It’s totally for you and especially about YOU, if you decide to choose you, to change for the better, the best version of you, your BEASTIE U. Let me be your guide. No matter what is your age, no matter how you define yourself, no matter where you live or where you come from, there is nothing that you can’t accomplish. Sometimes, one just needs the right kind of help from the right person to get there. If you’re ready to choose you, if you believe you can do it, if you’ve never wanted anything more in your life, then I’m here. THE CHOICE IS YOURS.
Prepare yourself to experience this:
Listen. Feel. See. With purpose and mindfulness.
Pump your heart. Pump your muscles. Sweat. Sweat. Sweat.
Savour. Feast. Devour. With love and passion.
Dance. Sing. Play. All day and every day.
Give. Receive. Unconditionally and with gratefulness.
Have fun. Be happy. Feel good in your mind and your body. Be your BEASTIE U.
I’ve studied nature, its components and all its interconnections, and animal health. I’ve worked as an animal health technician for many years. I’ve also studied translation and been a translator for even more years. And I'm on my way to get a certificate in Community Holistic Nutrition with the Pacific Rim College Online.
This program is based on my own experiences and my understanding of what I've always known and what I’ve learned over the years in the classes I attended, in the books I read and from the people I met.
Perfection is not the goal here.
But if you would like to analyze your current way of life in a way you’ve never done it before to determine what’s not working for you and what you could do to make it work, to find or reconnect with your true self, your BEASTIE U, then REACH OUT!
Here’s a peek at what you can expect:
First meeting - 20 minutes (FREE!)
Find out if I’m a good fit for your journey.
Ask all the questions you may have.
Second meeting
Get a sense of who you are or think you are and where you’re at in your life right now.
Determine your goals.
First assignment: The mirror test.
Second assignment: One week detailing everything you eat and do and the associated feelings.
Third meeting
Discuss and thoroughly analyze your week detailed report.
Establish a plan to implement over the next three weeks.
Other meetings
Discuss and analyze your first month.
Adjust the plan accordingly.
Assignment: The children and pet test.
Other activities and assignments.
The time you need to overcome any challenge life throws at you to test you, to help you change for the better, to help you become who you truly want to be: the best version of you, your BEASTIE U, is totally up to you. We would meet regularly and as necessary along your journey to make sure you stay on track, you continue to choose you, you continue to believe you can accomplish anything you want and become the person you’ve always dreamed of becoming, INSIDE and OUT.
Each meeting (excluding the first one) - $77 (CAD)
The total package (10 to 12 weeks, once a week) $777 (CAD)
*Please send me an email to book your first free informative meeting (